What About The Boy Child?

22:15 Dr. Monica Gupta 1 Comments

It is politically correct to talk about woman empowerment and the girl child. We keep receiving numerous messages from different media and particularly the social media about not only the protection of girl child but also the redefined role of the girl in parent’s life.  This is good because there are still many sections of our society where the girl child is unwanted, suppressed or even exploited. Social awareness and psyche will change probably with repeated reinforcement.
Messages where comparison is made between son and daughter don’t sit well with me. At various platforms, I see, in order to uplift a gender we pull down the other. Why so?

Boys are at the receiving end of a lot of brick batting. We receive messages/stories sharing ugly details of how parents are being ill-treated by their sons. They do not take care of the parents. They abandon them in old age. The messages compare them to the daughters who are caring and compassionate. While there can be equal number of cases where the daughter’s might have meted out the same treatment. It tends to be overlooked because as a society we believe that prime responsibility of the parents care, in old age, lies with the son. If the daughter is not able to shoulder this responsibility she can excuse herself by saying that my in-laws/husband is not supportive. The same is not acceptable for the son. Not that I am saying that it should be. Only I am trying to put things in perspective.

Boys are Less Expressive

Both the genders have their strengths and weaknesses. Females by nature are more expressive while males tend to take care of things without being obvious. So it doesn't mean that they care any less.

Expectations from Sons

Expectations from sons far exceed from that of daughters. By the design of our society sons would care for their parents and daughters would be married and take care of the new family as daughter in law. This premise itself is in a flux. We are in a state of confusion; with fewer children compared to the previous generation we find it difficult to relinquish our hold (for want of better word) on the daughter. This way she is divided in her attention/time and energy between two boats. So whatever she is able to do for her parents is appreciated because by societal design she never was expected to. However, the role as daughter in law leaves a lot to be said as sailing two boats was never easy. I am sure some may be striking a healthy balance; here we are talking of the trend. So, the son and daughter in law become a package and the unfulfilled expectations remain.

Pampering the Daughter

On one hand I see girl child being oppressed and lacking opportunities to grow and develop, on the other I see the affluent class pampering the girls to their detriment. A mother claiming during discussion for marriage proposal that her daughter does not even lift a glass of water on her own is revolting. This statement for girl or boy (any human) is unacceptable. You can get as much help as you want or can afford; such a thought process is misplaced. I see many young girls and their parents taking pride in saying that they don’t know how to cook or carry out household responsibilities. We live in the age where people want to acquire newer and more skills and in this background taking pride in lacking basic life skill is not understandable. Aren’t we laying the seeds of frustration and failure? One does not know where your life will take you and what it will dish out so these basic skills should be acquired by both girls and boys. With the trend of double income families it is a collective responsibility to run the household. In fact married or single it is a basic life skill if not acquired will sometime or other leave you stranded.

Praising the Boy – is it a sin?

It has almost become a cardinal sin to praise your son publically because by default it is assumed that you are down playing your daughter. I see parents continuously justifying themselves to their daughters and others that they love them as much or probably more than their son. The daughter also knows how to play the card beautifully. So in uplifting the girl child we forgot the boy child somewhere along the journey. I see many families around me where the son is responsive, caring and shouldering house hold responsibilities along with the parents. While the daughter is arrogant and forever demanding only of her rights refusing to even acknowledge her duties.

Awareness of Rights

In the name of women empowerment and to reverse or stop the atrocities that were done on the girl child in the past and in many cases that continue even today, laws have become skewed and one sided. Has the girl child, in this new found awareness of rights, started misusing the same and now playing multiple cards, first the perennial victim and then the demanding autocrat? If you look around, the emotional card starts first, then subtle hints of their rights with the degree increasing to blatant demand over time. The question again – in empowering the girl child, are we doing it at the expense of the boy child?

Boys Stay with the Parents

By the design of our society sons stay with the parents (or are expected to) and daughters get married and should focus on caring for the new family. That is how transition will take place and new generation will get a nurturing environment to grow. So naturally those who stay together, day in and out are bound to experience little friction and daughters who meet now and then or on phone are likely to experience a rosier picture. Ultimately, the responsibility of taking care of parents lies with the son and daughter in law. Any deviations that occur from this model are bound to create lopsided society and unrealistic expectations. Off course, I am referring to the basic premise on which almost all societies across the world have been formed. This can be a never ending debate. To cut it short, to me the essence lies in loving both daughter and son equally while recognizing and appreciating their differences and the role each plays in our life. Having said all this, I know it is not easy to strike an exact balance.

Let’s appreciate and celebrate parenthood, offering equal opportunities to all our children. It would be fruitful if we love our children equally while accepting their unique characteristics and role in our present and future life. 

Incoming Search Terms :

Women Empowerment, Boy, Infanticide, Equality

1 comment:

  1. Nice one on the plight of the boy child. This is truly a never ending debate...
